Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yogi kitty

Not trying to brag about it but I'm very flexible. I think I'm flexible enough to go audition for chinese circus one day :p

I love working out. The movements of just taking a couple of deep breaths gives me a great relief from clogged oxygen, no fresh blood circulated, worned body. gives me a top of the world feeling for the rest of the day☆

I have started hearing about Yoga a couple of years ago, started exposing myself to it.
I'm not a yoga phylosophy minded person, at least not yet. I eat steaks and enjoy Dom Perignon once in a while x

I especially like yoga mainly for the stretch & breathing part.
Basically everything that has to do with the body! yes I'm also a very sensual girl... sometimes my judgement is based on taste rather than other qualities. I believe that's my sixth sense ;)

Lick lick... yummy... bingo

I'm feeling the strawberries for my next blog


1 comment:

  1. Yoga huh? I havent done yoga fir a while and the last time i did it was when i went to romania. But yeah it is really relaxing afterwards.
